About My Blog

How I chose Blogger.com and what my plans are for this blog

Choosing a Blog Network:

On Sepember 28th 2013, Kripparian's stream ended at approximately 3am EST instead of its usual time at 5am EST because of a Path of Exile race he wanted to play later that afternoon. Without Kripparian's normal gaming schedule to keep me entertained into the late hours of the night, I was distraught and lost. I needed entertainment. I needed it that second. I knew there was only one thing that could give me that entertainment. And that was this blog.

After about a second of research I realized the only way to make a decent looking blog instantly was through Google's Blogger.com or through Tumblr.com. Tumblr at first seemed like it was the perfect fitIt was like finding that perfect car I've always wanted to drive but simply never knew existed. To make sure I wasn't dreaming, I went back to Blogger.com and everything about it just felt like that boring Hyundai everyone drove around. The layout of the blogs were all beautiful on Tumblr, and they had a lot more options to pick from than on Blogger.com. The idea of crossposting blogs to garner traffic was an amazing concept. Furthermore Tumblr had two very important features I knew Google could never have: A Soul and Customer Support.

Something was off though. My mother used to tell me that when something was too good to be true, it probably is. And Tumblr's proposition just seemed too good to be true. I mean, if Tumblr was so amazing why would people ever use Blogger.com?

I decided to some research on Google and the answer I came out with had astounded me. There were stories everywhere on the internet about how the Google engineers were given pay raises if they could alter their search algorithm to delist Tumblr blogs. This is because Tumblr was competition and for Google: Competition meant serious business.

But for me, this meant that I had no choice between the two. Without Google's search engine supporting me, I knew that I'd never be able to answer the question to whether people Googled my copy pasta or not. So I chose Blogger.com, believing that it was better to drive a Hyundai than to stare at an empty Ferrari.

My Plans:

Since that faithful day of creation, my blog has focused on two things: First, being the disillusioned Poly Sci graduate that I am, there is a lot of political satire/social commentary on this blog. Secondly, being the avid Twitch fan that I am, there is another portion of it consists of copy pastas that I have created here.

My future plan for this website is to work on a database of PG-rated Twitch memes/images to host on this blog. This is because I have trouble finding a comprehensive list of them anywhere and because I think it will be a great way to drive traffic and ad revenue into my pockets.

I also think I could be wrong about everything and just have an obsession with trolling the world.

I do not know.



Link to Kripp's Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/nl_kripp

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